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    About David A. Stern, MD

    David A. Stern, MD is a board-certified psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Prior to moving into full-time private practice, Dr. Stern co-directed Student Mental Health & Wellness Services at New York Medical College.

    Dr. Stern is actively involved in teaching and supervising at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, Montefiore/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and New York Medical College.

    My Education & Experience

    Academic Training

    • 1997 BA Duke University
    • 2004 MD University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
    • 2008 Residency in Psychiatry, Albert Montefiore/Einstein College of Medicine
    • 2021 Psychoanalyst, Columbia University Center for Training and Psychoanalytic Research


    Peer Reviewed Articles, Letters, Chapters, Curricula

    Stern, DA, Mitchell, B, Asghar-Ali, A. Value in Pharmaceutical Management. Chapter in Seeking Value: Balancing Cost and Quality in Psychiatric Care. American Psychiatric Publishing. 2021.

    Arbuckle, MR, Barkil, Oteo, Asghar-Ali, A Stern, DA. Training in High-Value, Cost-Effective Care: a Curriculum for Psychiatry Residents. Academic Psychiatry 2020 Jun;44(3):330-334

    Arbuckle, MR, Stern, DA, Barkil, Oteo, Asghar-Ali, A. Training Residents in High-Value, Cost-Effective Care: A National Survey of Psychiatry Program Directors. Academic Psychiatry 2020 Jun;44(3):324-329

    Stern, DA, Barkil, Oteo A, Asghar-Ali, A, Arbuckle, M. Resource Management: Providing Psychiatric Care that is “Cost Effective”. American Association of Directors of Residency Training. Model Curriculum. 2016.

    Andres Barkil-Oteo A, Stern DA, Arbuckle MR . Addressing the Cost of Healthcare from the Front lines of Psychiatry. JAMA Psychiatry. June 2014, Vol 71, No.6

    Arbuckle MR, Weinberg M, Barkil-Oteo, Stern DA, Ranz JM, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Mental Health Services Committee. The Neglected Role of Resource Manager in Residency Training. Academic Psychiatry. August 2014, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp 481-484

    Fried JL, Arbuckle MR, Weinberg M, Carino A, McQuiston HL, Skiandos A, Shoyinka SO, Stern D, Ranz JM Psychiatry Residents’ Experiences with Systems-Based Practice: A Qualitative Survey. Academic Psychiatry. August 2014, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp 414-419

    Ranz JM, Weinberg M, Arbuckle MR, Fried J, Carino A, McQuistion HL, Davis G, Wong D, Shoyinka SO, Brody B, Sethi KD, Skiandos A, Sowers W, Stern D, Sullivan A, Vergare MJ. A four factor model of systems-based practices in psychiatry. Academic Psychiatry. 2012 Nov 1;36(6):473-8.

    Stern, D Should Physicians Be Experts on Cost? Psychiatric Times September 19, 2012

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